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Eye and molecules

Saving Sight from Dry AMD

Innovate. Illuminate. Inspire

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of blindness globally

At OphtiMed Rx, we're pioneering a groundbreaking treatment for dry AMD by targeting aging processes to address the unmet need, halt disease progression, and prevent vision loss. Join us as we strive to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those affected by Dry AMD


AMD is the leading cause of blindness globally

Dry-AMD is a chronic, progressive, multifactorial, neurodegenerative disease that eventually causes blindness or severe vision loss. It is characterized by the death of photoreceptors and Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) cells and accounts for nearly half of all registrations of blindness or partially sighted worldwide.

Dry AMD, the early stage, can progress to severe stages like wet AMD and Geographic Atrophy (GA). While wet AMD can be treated, there are limited treatment options for GA, and there is currently no effective treatment for dry AMD, representing a critical gap in care. Affecting 85-90% of AMD patients, dry AMD lacks therapy due to its intricate and chronic nature.

Addressing the treatment gap for dry AMD requires innovative strategies.

Dgenerative macula
World map with market numbers


More than 140M Patients Make a
$25B Market by 2028

With millions of individuals aged over 50 globally, the prevalence of AMD continues to rise with increased life expectancy.

The occurrence of AMD steadily increases with age, affecting 2% of the population at age 40, increasing to 20% incidence of early dry AMD in people over the age of 75 years.


Recognizing AMD as an aging disease

Our drug targets cellular senescence, a phenomenon that is augmented with age and contributes to various age-related chronic conditions and is a key contributor to Dry AMD pathology.

Senescent cells drive irreversible retinal damage, emphasizing the importance of addressing aging-related processes in AMD treatment.

Elderly couple holding hands
Elderly woman smiling


Our innovative technology will generate for the first time a drug that halts the progression of a specific mechanism underlying AMD pathogenesis - the accumulation of cellular damage and aging of the retina

injection to the eye



Through extensive research, we've developed a highly potent compound that protects retinal cells from senescence, offering new possibilities for effective treatment.

Our drug candidate aims to halt disease progression in the early-intermediate stages of dry AMD, with promising results demonstrated in preclinical studies

A novel approach

Closing the treatment gap
OM-301 drug mockup

Promising results

In vivo and in vitro
macular cells close up

Future Implications

Preventing blindness and socioeconomic burden
smiling senior man


We've assembled a world-class team dedicated to advancing AMD research. With the support of our esteemed advisory board, we're leveraging top talent to drive and expedite the R&D activities.

A researcher working in our lab
eye and innovation concept


The OphtiMed Rx story unfolds with a commitment to steering toward innovative solutions for Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).

Backed by a visionary team and strategic partnerships.

The journey continues, driven by a shared dedication to combatting retinal diseases and preventing vision loss worldwide.


As we progress towards clinical translation, we invite collaboration, support, and investment to propel our vision forward. Together, let's make a difference in the lives of those affected by dry AMD.

Contact us to learn more about our groundbreaking approach to AMD treatment and how you can be part of our journey.


Israel Innovation Authoruty Logo
Go Innovation Logo
Mor Research Logo
Co funded by the EU
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